Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Purpose and expectations

My initial goal is to become a librarian, of course, but the more that I think about the technology in schools I am thinking broader. As I mentioned before that a good friend got me interested in becoming a librarian and now I can see why she was also relied on for most technology needs in the school as well. Just from the first class and the first reading assignment I am really noticing how we are just stacking technology on top of what we already do. I have discussed this with my team teachers and they agree. One of my goals for this class as well as ongoing is to integrate technology in a meaningful way. As a teacher I do not think I have the time or take the time that is needed to do this. Also, I do not feel my campus has that support to help teachers do this effectively. As to what specific skills I want to develop will require more thinking since it is such a broad area.

1 comment:

Dr. W said...


Very thougtful comments on the utilization of technology. I agree that we tend to get in the habit of purchasing with no vision or understanding of how this technology will make things meaningful or empowering. The key, I believe, is to think in terms of informating and not automating and it requires a paradigm shift in thinking. I look forward to the skills you decide upon!